

“Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!” Psalm 95:1

We love to praise the Lord with music and song.
Music is an important part of worship at St. Peter’s that would not be possible without the dedicated volunteers who make up our choirs, bands, ensembles, orchestra and handbells. We invite you to look over our musical groups and rehearsal times to see if any may be a good fit for you. We would love for you to get connected and join us as we praise the Lord through music. We have groups for all ages!


We welcome new members at any time and would love for you to contact us with any questions.
Click on the images to email David Galasso with any questions on the Traditional groups at or Stephen Walker with questions about our Contemporary bands at


Carillon Bell Choir

The Carillon Bell Choir consists of 14 ringers performing
five octaves of handbells and three octaves of
handchimes. They perform about once a month during the
school year and present an annual Christmas program.
Rehearsals are weekly on Sundays from 5 - 6:30 p.m. prior
to scheduled performances.

Youth Choir

This group, made up for students from 6th through 12th grades,
rehearses weekly on Sundays from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
and sings at the 8:30 a.m. traditional worship service.
They present also special programs and travel for a music
and mission trip in the summer. They also sing
throughout the season for Houston area professional
sporting events.


Our orchestra is made up of adults and junior and senior
high students. Anyone is invited to join for rehearsals, but
proficiency is required to participate in a worship service.
Rehearsals are weekly on Sundays from 7 - 8 p.m. prior to
scheduled performances.


Bluegrass Band

The Doctrine of Bluegrass band practices weekly on
Mondays from 6:30 - 8 p.m. in the Parlor and performs
during worship services at different times throughout the

Men’s Ensemble

Our men sing monthly in traditional worship. Their
repertoire includes a variety of styles of music. Rehearsals
are weekly Mondays from 8 - 9:30 p.m.The group sings
throughout the season for Houston area professional
sporting events.


Grace Notes Women’s

The Grace Notes sing in traditional worship about once a
month. They also perform at various venues in the
community. Rehearsals are once a week on Tuesdays from
9:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Joyful Bells

Joyful Bells is a beginning adult Hand Bell Choir.
Rehearsals are once a week on Tuesdays at 8:30 a.m. in
room S101.


Chancel Choir

This choir rehearses weekly on Wednesday nights from
7 - 9 p.m. and sings at the 9:45 and 11 a.m. traditional
worship services. They present special programs several
times each year and also sing throughout the season for
Houston area professional sporting events.

Genesis Ringers

This is a youth handbell choir for 3rd - 8th graders with
practices throughout the school year. No musical
experience is required for participation in this group. This
is a great entry level choir for those wanting to become
involved with music and playing musical instruments.
Experience gained by participation will easily transfer to
other musical instruments over time. This is a "from the
ground up" class and we would love to have you
participate. Please email if you are
interested in joining the group!

KIDS JAM Children’s Choirs

We have a children’s choir program for ages 4 through
fifth grade. KIDS JAM often presents musicals at
Christmas and in the spring. They meet each week on
Wednesday nights during the school year to rehearse and
learn about sharing God’s love through music. Click HERE
for more information.


The Element praise bands practice weekly. Let us know
if you are interested in being a part of these contemporary bands
in some form. We also have special music on various Sundays
that we would love you to be a part of.


“Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!” Psalm 95:1

We love to praise the Lord with music and song.
Music is an important part of worship at St. Peter’s that would not be possible without the dedicated volunteers who make up our choirs, bands, ensembles, orchestra and handbells. We invite you to look over our musical groups and rehearsal times to see if any may be a good fit for you. We would love for you to get connected and join us as we praise the Lord through music. We have groups for all ages!


The West Campus praise band practices weekly. Let us know if you are interested in being a part of the west Campus bands in some form by clicking here.