children church

St. Peter’s wants every child and family to feel welcomed, included, and loved as they seek to participate in our faith community. Our goal is to ensure that each child is given the opportunity to feel comfortable and successful in every aspect of church life.

Sunday School

Children with special needs can participate in the grade-level Sunday School classes in the way that is best for them. They can attend their class independently, and the teacher can be made aware of any needs or challenges the child has. They also can participate in grade-level Sunday School classes accompanied by a mentor. Mentors lend guidance and encouragement, provide extra instruction, and offer friendship to children who need an extra set of loving hands. Mentors can be assigned to a child individually or to a class as a whole. Children with special needs also can participate in a separate self- contained class. This class is much smaller, with usually a 1:2 or 1:3 teacher/child ratio. The curriculum in this class is individualized to the children participating. This is usually a good fit for children who find the larger Sunday School classes overstimulating and overwhelming.

Please stop by the Children's Information Desk upon arrival on Sunday mornings and someone will guide you and answer any questions you may have. Also, you can email Rev. Whitney Peper ahead of time with any questions at wpeper@stpkaty.org.

Friday Night Friends

Friday Night Friends is a respite care night for children with special needs and their siblings. It is the last Friday of each month from 6-9 p.m. Fun activities are provided for the children while their parents have a night out. Please fill out the form below, print it out, and bring it with you when you arrive.

registER FOR FRIDAY NIGHT FRIENDS learn more about our special needs ministry