Who We Are

Our Special Needs Ministry welcomes children, teens, and adults with special needs into the community of our church. We strive to provide safe, calming, and welcoming programs so all of God’s children feel they belong.

Our Goals

• To reach out to the community and provide a safe and loving environment where
people with special needs or disabilities can worship God, grow in their faith and
relationship with Jesus Christ, and discover their purpose within the church.
• To provide programs that nurture each person’s needs, skills, and abilities while they
grow in faith and love for God.
• To provide an opportunity for people with special needs to worship, study the Bible,
and serve in a way that is accessible and safe for the them.
• To provide families of people with special needs the opportunity to be able to
participate in the life of the church as well as know their family member is loved and
cared for and growing in their faith as they are.

Ministry Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide an environment that is welcoming and as inclusive as possible to enable people of all abilities and gifts to participate in St. Peter’s vision of offering the grace of God to all people.

Planning to Visit St. Peter’s?

We are so glad that you will be visiting us for the first time! Prior to your visit, we ask that you contact Whitney Peper at wpeper@stpkaty.org so we can make sure we meet your loved one’s needs as you worship with us at any of our venues or campuses.


Sunday School with Special Needs

Meeting Location: Room 133 (First floor Children’s Building, SPLASH Entrance) Members and guests of all ages with special needs have the option to attend a Sunday School class designed for them and led by trained volunteers and staff. They may also be mainstreamed with an assigned buddy depending on their level. They will have the opportunity to spend time in our sensory/quiet area as needed.


Courage Worship: Courage is a worship service with and by the special needs community. This service currently meets on Sundays at 5 p.m. in Asbury Hall. This service features all the elements of our other worship services, but is shorter and adapted to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all people.


Friday Night Friends is a respite care night for children with special needs and their siblings. It is the last Friday of each month from 6-9 p.m. in E221. Fun activities are provided for the children while their parents have a night out. Please fill out the form below, print it out, and bring it with you when you arrive.

Friday Night Friends registration form

H20 Program

H20 is a respite program for adults with special needs. This program provides interactive games,
crafts, lessons, music, and special outings to allow its members to engage with others and grow
in their skills and faith. This program meets every Friday from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. in the Wesley
Student Center. Please fill out the forms below and bring them when you arrive.