rooted in christ

They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season,
and their leaves do not wither. In all that they do, they prosper.
Psalm 1:3


For over 41 years, God has used St. Peter’s United Methodist Church to “Connect the World with God’s Love.” Our mission efforts have included local and overseas work in which we shared the gospel with many people around the world. Our ministries have historically been, and continues to be, focused on sharing God’s love. From the beginning, faithful members have dedicated themselves to doing what God has led St. Peter’s to do. The church has continued to grow and build facilities that enables us to welcome people of all ages to worship, learn, serve and fellowship.

God spoke to Samuel and said, “See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make both ears of anyone who hears of it tingle.” It is exciting to see that God is doing something in Katy through St. Peter’s that will enable us to do an even better job of “Connecting the World with God’s Love.”
- Dr. Pat Sparks

Vision for a Second

In 2013 God provided a vision for St. Peter’s to
establish a second campus. Our West Campus
began meeting in 2014 at Cinco Ranch High
School. There was a time of growth, followed by a
change in pastoral leadership for the West
Campus. That change, along with the effects of
Harvey, caused a need for a reset and refocus.
Since that time, the West Campus has been
growing in attendance and excitement. It was
determined that the best way to encourage
continued growth of our West Campus would be to
build our first building on the FM1463 property we
bought in 2016. Our future location on 1463 will
one day include traditional worship, ECDC and the
other programs and ministries that has made St.
Peter’s what it is today.


The cost of our first building, site preparation and
parking will be $4.7 million. We will also invest
$500,000 to enhance and renovate our Kingsland
Campus. This work will include much needed
maintenance, updating and remodeling.
Finally, there will be a balance on the purchase of the
FM1463 land. This loan balance will be around $1.7
million. Therefore, the amount needed to take care of
all of these items will be $6.9 million. Typically,
churches will raise one and a half of their annual
ministry budget. So, for us, that would be $4.5
million. When we approved this project, we set an
amount of $3 million to launch.


As a part of this church family, you are invited to become involved in our capital
campaign, Rooted in Christ. Please pray how you might be generous to the church’s
present and future through a three-year pledge that is above and beyond your normal
giving. This vision is here because of the heritage given to us. Now it is our turn to
give and continue our history of growing our faith and community.

pledge here